You are currently viewing Part 1: Fat To Fit – Reprogramming Your Self-Image

Part 1: Fat To Fit – Reprogramming Your Self-Image

Part 1: Fat To Fit – Reprogramming Your Self-Image

Welcome to the MindFit visualization program! Congratulations on taking a significant step towards achieving the body of your dreams.

In this section, you will embark on a transformative journey from fat to fit by reprogramming your self-image.


Step 1: Find a comfortable seated position on a chair, ensuring that your neck and shoulders are relaxed.

Step 2: Put on your headphones and load the video titled “Reprogramming Your Self-Image.”

Step 3: Maintain your gaze at the center of the video, avoiding any strain. Keep your eyes relaxed, allowing for natural blinking and adjusting your focus as needed to remain comfortable.

Step 4: Refrain from reading the flashing affirmations, as they are specifically designed to target your subconscious mind.

Step 5: Around the 4-minute mark, you will encounter the words “close your eyes and visualize” displayed prominently in white letters. When this instruction appears, gently close your eyes and follow the visualization instructions provided below.

While you continue to listen and allow the audio technology to support your journey of reprogramming your self-image, begin to awaken your mind’s eye.


Visualize your body as you desire it to be. See yourself in the form you aspire to attain. Imagine yourself engaging in social interactions with your new fit physique. Observe how people compliment you on your fitness and leanness.

Allow yourself to experience the positive emotions that arise as you gracefully accept these compliments.

Envision yourself in various situations, noticing how effortlessly your body moves and how satisfying it feels to try on new clothing.

See yourself engaged in enjoyable exercise activities and loving every moment of it.

If your mind happens to wander, simply acknowledge the distraction and gently return to your positive visualization.

Your goal is to continue visualizing in this manner until the audio portion of the video concludes.

Please keep in mind that visualization is a skill, and like any skill, it improves with practice. Each day that you engage in this process, your visualization abilities will enhance, and you will experience the positive feelings and effects of your visualization more profoundly.

After 30 days, your visualization skills will be well-developed, leading to more profound results in any area you choose to apply this newfound skill.

It is crucial to avoid self-judgment regarding your visualization abilities. Always approach yourself with kindness and love

Here is a copy of the affirmations that are used:

  • You possess a slender physique.
  • You embody fitness and health.
  • You maintain optimum health and well-being.
  • Your metabolism operates at an accelerated pace.
  • You naturally possess a light appetite.
  • You are perfect as you are.
  • You are loved and cherished.
  • Your beauty radiates from within.
  • Your body activates rapid fat loss.
  • You are driven and motivated to achieve your weight loss goals.
  • You consistently make healthy food choices.
  • You are drawn to nourishing, wholesome foods.
  • Making healthy eating choices comes effortlessly to you.
  • Staying hydrated by consuming an ample amount of water is easy for you.
  • You envision yourself as slim, healthy, and fit.